Monday, 28 October 2013

Class Diagram Blog

Class Definition Diagram
Class is a collection of objects with and that have a common structure , common behavior , common relationships , and semantic / general word . Classes determined / discovered by examining objects in sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams . A class is described as a square with three parts of the room . Class should be named using a noun according to domain / section / group ( Jeffery L. Whitten et al , 2004) .

Class Diagram is a diagram that shows the existing classes of a system and its relationship with logic. Class diagrams describe the static structure of a system . Because the class diagram is the backbone or basic strength of almost any object -oriented method including UML ( Henderi , 2008) . While according to ( Jeffery L. Whitten et al 2004:432 ) class diagram is a graphic image of the static object structure of a system , showing object classes that make up a system and also the relationship between the object class .

The Elements of UML class diagrams in modeling consists of : classes , class structure , the nature of class ( class behavior) , association / union ( association ) , collection / unity ( aggregation ) , dependency (dependency ) , derivatives relations , diversity and navigation indicators , and role name ( role / task name )

- Class
Class is something that wraps and behavioral information . Traditionally , the system is built with the basic idea that will save the information on the data lines and pengolahnya behavioral data on the application side . One of the differences structured object-oriented approach is
in combining object-oriented and information -processing behavior and hide all the information into something called class . In UML , classes are expressed using the following notation .
The top of the Class notation is used as a class name , and optionally also used his stereotype . The middle section is used to store attributes , and the bottom is used to save the operation .
- Define the class
A good way to find classes were started from watching the flow of events ( flow of events ) of a use case . Note the noun in the flow of events , may be one of the following four points .
1 . Actor
2 . class
3 . Attributes of the class
4 . Expression , not the actor , not a class , and not attributes .
By selecting the object in the flow of events , classes can be found in the system . Other alternatives , can test objects in sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams .
There are two common ways of defining sequence of inter -related classes in the class diagram and sequence diagrams or collaboration diagram.Yang first , by creating a sequence diagram or a collaboration diagram first . Then proceeded to create the class diagram . In contrast , the second , is to find classes and create class diagrams first, then use a stretcher classes as " Dictionary " objects and their relationships to create a sequence diagram or a collaboration diagram .
- Stereotype in class
Stereotype is a mechanism used to categorize classes . For example , can be made stereotypical form first , and then determine the classes in step further . This feature helps to better understand the responsibilities of each class in the model . The classes with the stereotype of ' form ' responsibility to show and receive information from the user .
Stereotypes also assist in the process of code generation . When the code generation process , stereotype class that will determine the type of class diabawa kebahasa programming .
Some Stereotypes can be used since at this stage of the analysis process , at the time not yet determined teretentu programming language to generate code . Stereotypes can also depend on the programming language chosen and used at this stage of the design process .
When analysis , classes can be categorized according to the function they perform . There are 3 types of classes in the UML stereotypes are used in the analysis , namely : delimiter ( boundry ) , entity ( entity ) and control .
a. Limiting classes
Limiting classes are classes that are located between the system with the world around him . All forms , reports , interfaces ( interfaces ) such as soft keperangkat Printer or scanner , and interfaces ( interfaces ) to other systems are included in this category . UML presented
class barrier as follows .

To locate and identify the limiting classes can be done by testing the use case diagram . At a minimum there should be a barrier to class setiapa interaction between actors - use case . Class limit is what allows the actors interact with the system .
No need to make the grade boundary for each pair of actor - use case . For example , if two actors have equally initialize the same use case to communicate with the system .

b . Entity classes
Entity classes to handle the information stored in persistent storage . Entity classes are usually found in the incident flow ( flow of events ) on the interaction diagram . They are classes that are most meaningful to the wearer and are typically given a domain name using the technology business.

       Note the noun in the flow of events . Some nouns will be the entity classes in the system . Another way is to consider the structure of the data base . If the design of the database has been created , note the names of the table . The tables deal with some permanent information record , while the entity class , handle information in computer memory when the computer is turned on . In UML , the class notation entity described as follows .

Of database design , can trace back some of the fields in the database system needs . System needs to determine the flow of events ( flow of events ) , and the flow of events to determine the objects , classes , and attributes - attributes in the class . Each of these attributes in the entity class may be fields in the database .
c . Control classes
Control class is responsible for coordinating the activities of the other classes . This class is optional , but if the class of this control is used , then tropical one control class for such a use case . There are classes that control is shared by several use cases . In UML , the class notation entity described as follows .

 naming class
Each class must have a unique name . Most organizations have their own naming convention for naming classes are made ​​. Classes are generally named using singular noun .
Do not use the class name spaces . This is done for practical reasons , where some programming languages ​​do not allow any space . Another thing to note is that the class name should be short enough to explain what the class will do .
So it really depends on the class naming our organization . If we have a class that is used within the organization , but it is clear that it should be consistently used for whole classes were made ​​.
- Visibility class
Visibility option determines whether a class can be seen from the outside of the package . There are 3 options for the visibility of a class is:
1 . Public
2 . States that a class can be seen from the other classes in the system .
3 . Protected or private
4 . States that a class can be seen from multiple classes ( nested ) , friends , or of the class itself .
5 . Package or implementation .
6 . States that a class can be seen only by other classes in the same package .
multiplicity class

Multiplicity provide instant overview ebuah to be accommodated in the classroom . For example , in a class of employees , we may have some instant , one for Ani , one for Ina , one for Nana and so on . So Multiplicity for n set class employees . In the control class , Multiplicity is set 1 , because at the time the application runs only one class ..

Monday, 7 October 2013

Use Case of Blog

Use case on blog, ok here I will explain about what we can do in our blog. Before we go to the explanation, the tools or software that I use to create this picture is Astah. Astah is like software that we can make a description about the process that include in every case. If you know about software of Visio that include in Microsoft office?? Yeah, the function of use case almost same with Visio but with use case we can describe with design that more easy to understand. I think that’s all about use case, so I will continue to the next or point of this article.

A use-case model is a model of how different types of users interact with the system to solve a problem.  As such, it describes the goals of the users, the interactions between the users and the system, and the required behaviour of the system in satisfying these goals.

A use-case model consists of a number of model elements.  The most important model elements are: use cases, actors and the relationships between them. 

A use-case diagram is used to graphically depict a subset of the model to simplify communications.  There will typically be several use-case diagrams associated with a given model, each showing a subset of the model elements relevant for a particular purpose.  The same model element may be shown on several use-case diagrams, but each instance must be consistent.  If tools are used to maintain the use-case model, this consistency constraint is automated so that any changes to the model element (changing the name for example) will be automatically reflected on every use-case diagram that shows that element.

Well guys, here I will explain about use case of blog that I made with my own self. You can live your comment if you disagree with my argument. Ok let’s begin:

First you have to know about the components that include in use case:
A model element representing each actor. Properties include the actors name and brief description.
Is used to include common behaviour from an include optional behaviour from an extending use case in an include use case into a base use case in order to support re-use of common behaviour.
A relationship between actors to support re-use of common properties.
Is used  to include common behaviour from an included use case into a base use case in order to support re-use of common behaviour.

Use case: 
A model element representing each use case. Properties include use case into a base use case in order to support re-use of common behaviour.

And I will explain each use case that I can use to describe about the situation in blog:
Manage Posting: for manage posting we as the author, we can do some actions like input edit and delete our posting.
Manage Template: for manage template we can edit our template as we want.
Manage Profile: for manage profile we can input, edit and delete our profile.
Logon: logon is operate by admin of blog that he will check true or false of password and email that actor use to logon.
Manage Comment: Also doing by admin, he will show or approve everything that enters in blog.
Read Article: As visitor we can read the article and doing some actions like leave a comment, reply and delete our comment.

- Use cases are interaction or dialogue between the system and actors, including the exchange of messages and actions performed by the system.
- Use cases initiated by the actor and may involve the role of other actors. Use cases should provide a minimum value to the actor.
- Use cases can have an extension that defines specific actions in interactions or other use case may be inserted.
- Use case class has an object called a use case scenario. Scenarios expressed sequences and single action message.

Use case is the circuit / description of a group of inter-related and form a system of regularly conducted or supervised by an actor. Use case are used to establish behavior of objects / things in a model and in Realized by a collaboration. General use case is described by an ellipse with a solid line, usually containing nama.Use case describes the process of the system (system requirements from the user perspective).
In general use case is:
Patterns of system behavior
Sequence of related transactions performed by an actor
Use case diagram consists of
Use case
System boundary boxes (optional)
Packages (optional)